Sunday, December 7, 2008

Coming Soon . . . ! (A New) Sturgis Photography Book

We recently published a photography book on the Sturgis Rally - "Sturgis - Nothing Like It."  The book received the "Book of the Week" pick from the publishing staff.  

Now, we are in the process of putting together a second book with more great photos from the rally plus we will be adding text and descriptions to the photos.  Keep an eye out on the blog and we will announce it when it's published.

If you haven't seen our first Sturgis book, click here for a preview.  You can purchase the book there or on our website.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

End of Year Print Sale!

Hopefully, many of you received an email from us about our 20% off sale on any event print or Fine Art Gallery print from our website. The email contained a coupon code (SIM1402) which can be used during checkout on our website. Find a picture you want, choose the options, then you'll be asked for a coupon code during the rest of the checout process. The coupon is good through 12/25/08 and can be used as many times as you like.

We've wrapped up our event shooting for the year and decided not to attend the Lone Star Rally. We'll be turning our attention to some product shots for a great company with a great product. If you wear chaps or would like to wear chaps but want something a little lighter, check out HogGaiters. They've got lots of styles, look great, and provide some protection for your lower leg. They will also be set up again on Main Street in Sturgis next year.

Speaking of websites, check out the bike photo site of our friend and competitor (so he thinks) at Remember the Ride. Greg Zook, otherwise known as "Pussy Boy," made his photographic debut at Sturgis last year where we met up with him and did some shooting together. Greg (a.k.a. Pussy Boy) is a great guy as well as being a fine photographer (in his own mind) and was very supportive after Deb's accident. Keep your eyes open next year and you'll probably see him wandering aimlessly through the streets of Sturgis waving his new, bright white Canon 200mm f2.0 lens in your face. Just call him Pussy Boy and he'll leave you alone.