Sunday, December 7, 2008
Coming Soon . . . ! (A New) Sturgis Photography Book
Thursday, December 4, 2008
End of Year Print Sale!
We've wrapped up our event shooting for the year and decided not to attend the Lone Star Rally. We'll be turning our attention to some product shots for a great company with a great product. If you wear chaps or would like to wear chaps but want something a little lighter, check out HogGaiters. They've got lots of styles, look great, and provide some protection for your lower leg. They will also be set up again on Main Street in Sturgis next year.
Speaking of websites, check out the bike photo site of our friend and competitor (so he thinks) at Remember the Ride. Greg Zook, otherwise known as "Pussy Boy," made his photographic debut at Sturgis last year where we met up with him and did some shooting together. Greg (a.k.a. Pussy Boy) is a great guy as well as being a fine photographer (in his own mind) and was very supportive after Deb's accident. Keep your eyes open next year and you'll probably see him wandering aimlessly through the streets of Sturgis waving his new, bright white Canon 200mm f2.0 lens in your face. Just call him Pussy Boy and he'll leave you alone.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Top Website has just named us one of the top motorcycle photo sites on the internet based on photo quality and content. Check out their site, read their review of our site and our photography, and browse their other features. is packed with all kinds of features, information, pictures, and links for all bikers. We really appreciate the kind words.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Shooting Again

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Website Additions and Deb's Progress
NOTE: Our "Event Pics" gallery link takes you to a site where we post all of our event photos. They are unedited and uploaded just as they came out of our cameras. The "Fine Art Galleries" link take you to our favorite photos from various shoots. These photos have been edited individually, color corrected, and some have PS effects added. These are art quality photos. If you are looking for a photo of yourself at a rally, check the "Event Pics." If you are looking for some of our most interesting photos of print quality, go to "Fine Art Galleries."
On a different note, Deb continues to recover and is able to get around now with both a wheel chair and crutches. We're hoping she'll begin to walk again sometime in November. The docs say her leg will never be the same again and she will most likely have chronic pain. She most likely will have limited use of that leg. And yes, the a**hole who hit her has now filed a lawsuit against her. After nearly killing her, he has the balls to sue her for "damage" to his bike. I have a lot to say about this but unfortunately I have to be careful what I say now that there is a lawsuit in progress. Nonetheless, I hope this guy can sleep at night. As I said before, this guy is no biker. A cheap wanna be who can't handle his bike and who thinks all he has to do is ride a bike at Sturgis to become a biker. If he wants to know what it takes to be a biker, he should have a little concern for the person he almost killed rather than inflicting further injury on Deb with a lawsuit.
I've said this before, but I want to say thanks again to all the people who have expressed their concern and wished Deb well. We've gotten lots of help and offers of help. There is no way we could ever repay those who have helped us. We shoot lots of charity rides and donate to various charities and biker organizations throughout the year and will continue to do so. We never expected we would be on the receiving end of others help. Thanks to all.
We especially want to thank Bob Davis of Sturgis Bike Week. In addition to running his business (you are probably familiar with the Sturgis Bike Week t-shirts) he has driven from Sturgis to Bismarck every weekend to cover Deb's wedding photography for her. This usually involves 1 or 2 weddings per weekend and about 10 - 14 hours of shooting per wedding. Bob is not only a fine photographer but a GREAT guy and friend. We cannot thank him enough. Make sure you check out Sturgis Bike Week website.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Another Update
We continue to have shots published in magazines. Several published in next months's In the Wind and a bike spread in American Cycle Magazine. Those are always welcomed but in light of all the hospital bills and loss of income, it doesn't make up the difference. I have a much better understanding now about the need for health care reform in this country. One accident can completely wipe out a family's assests.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
On a different note, we are adjusting our schedule due to the accident and have had to cancel several shoots. We (I) will be shooting a small ride close to home on Saturday for the Aurora Chamber of Commerece. Deb may be out manning the booth and slideshow after the ride, but certainly not shooting the ride.
Again, I want thank everyone for all they have done and continue to do for us. The offers of help and support have been overwhelming and greatly appreciated. North Dakota ABATE, Greg Zook (who holds the record for the most phone calls asking how Deb is doing), Nancy and countless others were all there when we needed support. It's nice to know that good people still exist.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More Surgery
We still have several events to shoot before the major riding season is over. I'll be doing those alone. If she is able, Deb may be sitting at our display but it's going to be a while before she can shoot.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sturgis Pics
Friday, August 15, 2008
Additional Info
The state of South Dakota has charged her with disorderly conduct and she has to make a court appearance early in September (like she's going to able to do that). Additionally, according to the insurance company, the "honorable" ex-cop who hit her is planning on filing a law suit against Deb, apparently to recover the cost of a highway peg that was damaged when he hit her. . . Can this get anymore bizarre? What is wrong with people? I honestly don't know how this guy can sleep at night. I'm sure his mind is so clogged with thoughts about that damaged footpeg, that it's keeping him up at night. Poor guy. Maybe I should organize a benefit for him and collect highway pegs from other bikers and send them to him. Maybe it will give him some peace knowing that we too are concerned for the condition of his peg and hope for a speedy replacement. Maybe then he could have some concern for the person he almost killed.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
First things first

As some of you may know, Deb (my wife) had a terrible accident outside of Rapid City during the Sturgis rally. I'll explain what I know, and speculate about the rest. I'm obviously biased but I know my wife and I know how she works.