As some of you may know, Deb (my wife) had a terrible accident outside of Rapid City during the Sturgis rally. I'll explain what I know, and speculate about the rest. I'm obviously biased but I know my wife and I know how she works.
We were shooting a charity cancer ride for the Top 50 Rally Park and had parked our vehicle about 1/2 mile from the intersection of 385 and 44 waiting for the ride to come through. Deb went to the intersection to wait while I stayed down the road (44) about 1/2 mile. Apparently (or so the guy who hit her says) she darted out into bike traffic to cross the road and was hit by a motorcycle. The guy who hit her ( a retired cop) says he did everything he could do to avoid her, such as honking the horn and swerving off the road, but couldn't avoid hitting her. When I got to the scene, she was lying on the shoulder of the road bleeding from the head, nose and mouth and was unable to move. Apparently, she was hit in the knee by the guy's highway peg which pulverized her lower knee, spun her around and hit the pavement with her shoulder and head. Her shoulder was separated and she sustained a large cut on her head, and consequently 2 subdural hematomas (bleeds into the brain).
She spent 5 days in the Rapid City hospital and was then transported to a hospital in Bismarck ND where she will undergo several surgeries to reconstruct her knee. Luckily, the bleeds into the brain have, as of now, not caused any brain problems but she is still being observed.
The financial toll this will take on us will be astronomical. But the most devastating effect of all this is that Deb's other photography business (Deborah Kates Fine Photography) and all the work she has put in to building that branch of the business will have to start over. As far as we know now, most, if not all of the work she has booked for the next few months will have to be cancelled and deposits refunded. I will attempt to do as much as I can to fill in for her, but many people who hired her, hired her because they love her work and want her shooting style - not necessarily mine. I'm sure after all is said and done, many will cancel and of course we will honor that request.
Deb's will and work ethic are stronger than I have ever seen in anyone. And, those of you who know her will agree with me. Her abundant positive energetic attitude will pull her through this. But in the meantime I have watched her struggle for survival and that struggle is testing her will. And at times I wonder whether her will is strong enough to help her overcome this. In rare moments, she has expressed hopelessness and devastation. But it doesn't last long before she's back to her optimistic self.
I don't believe the story the guy who hit her (the ex-cop) gave to the highway patrol and I don't believe the same story (surprise) his friends also gave. I know my wife as a person and as a professional. She did not walk out into traffic as the "honorable" ex-cop says. I know her. We are professional motorcycle photographers who have been doing this for years. We are always concerned about out safety and our fellow bikers' safety when we shoot. We are also both bikers. These things have instilled in us a healthy respect for motorcycles and we are constantly thinking safety. My wife would never walk out into the path of oncoming bikes. No matter what anyone ever tells me, I will go to my grave believing this.
At times my anger seems uncontrollable. But it gives way to sorrow when I see my beautiful wife laying in a hospital bed with tubes and devices connected to her. The out-pouring of support from our biker brothers and sisters has been tremendous and for me has been the source of much needed support. They know Deb too, and they know she would never do such a thing. I'm sorry this is going to create a "biker vs biker" situation. But then again, no self respecting biker would nearly kill someone then lie his ass off the protect himself. My opinion is that Sturgis is full of many good honest bikers. Unfortunately, it also has a lot of inexperienced "posers" who, for a week, get to pretend to be a real biker and eventually hurt someone when their motorcycle skills are challenged. So, this is not a real biker who almost killed by wife, but an imitator. And in that I take some comfort.
My sincerest thanks goes out to everyone who has shown their support. I especially want to thank Janet and the entire North Dakota ABATE organization who stepped up to the plate and displayed what real bikers are like. Without them I don't know what would have done.
More to come . . .
Deb and Don, My prayers and thoughts are with you! We will do whatever is needed to help you at this time. Please just let us know. All that know Deb know that she would NEVER have ran into traffic! We love you guys and we are here for you. Stay strong! Nance
First of all, I am truly sorry to hear about your tragidy. I hope your wife has a speedy recovery and I wish your family the best. I read your entire post and I just wanted to pipe in that I don't think the (EX COP) issue has anything to do with your tragedy. If they lied or fabricated that's wrong and hopefully in the end it will come out. Just because one "EX COP" Upset You and did you wrong, it is not right for you to label all Law Enforcement in the manner you are displaying in your blog. It wouldd be like this "EX COP" writing a blog and blasting every motorcycle photographer as a loud mouth anti law enforcement liar. Two wrongs don't make a right. I believe that if this guy did lie and did you wrong you are a better person and a "Professional" as you say you are than for you to go on this banchie about "Cops". I think you would have a whole lot of "COPS" supporting you and even participating in a Charity Ride if you did one to help your family with this unbearable situation if you held your head high and dealt with it the proper way.
But, who am I just another Biker, that believes in helping people and holding myself to a higher standard, as you do, but unfortunatley I'm not perfect. I wish you the best my friend.
Hi Deb & Don sorry to hear about the accident but thank the Lord you are still here with us. You are both very special to our ABATE family and we will assist where ever you think we can, just let us know. You are in our thoughts and prayers. jBIRD
As far as I know, I am not labeling all law enforcement and there is nothing in my post that would suggest that. I would never paint them all with such a broad brush. If that is the impression i have given you and others, I apologize; but you may want to re-read what I wrote. Some of our best friends are in law enforcement and in fact on our last web site, we dedicated an entire gallery to the Sturgis police. Most of them are very familiar with us since we often stand right next to them when we shoot on Main Street of Sturgis, and consequently, have become friends with them. One of my best riding buddies is a cop. And from what I know about the guy who hit my wife, i would never put other law enforcement in the same category as this person.
So, again, you may want to re-read my original post. I am not going on "this banchie about Cops" as you say. I'm giving my opinion and speculating about THIS incident and ONE person who says he is an ex-cop. I'm sure the fact that he is an ex-cop is no reflection on other cops. It's just that I would expect more from someone who puts himself in the same category as others we hold in high regard.
Thank you for your response and I am glad that you clarified the issues. I do agree with you that if this person represented himself like that then he should in fact have integrity and take responsibility for his actions. Now to the more important topic. I hope your wife Debbie is doing better and that her sugery went well. I know times must be very tough especially with the economy and everything. My wife went down not to long ago in the mountains of NC and it terrified me. Thank GOD she was only bruised and not injured seriously. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster that you have endured through this tragedy. GOD Bless and I will continue to read your updates on her progress. Also do you all ever make it down to Florida?
thanks, roger, for your concern for Deb. yes, we do get down to florida. I (we) hope to get down there for more shooting at Daytona.
Don, I am so sorry to hear about Debs tragic accident. Slick and I always buy pictures from you and Deb at Litchfield, MN ABATE state rally. (red hair now blonde, posing on his bike) I hope that she is doing well. Deb is in our prayers and thoughts. Take care and I hope that she feels better very soon. Slick and Rachel
Deb and Don, Wow! So sorry abt ur tragedy!! We are praying for ya all! Hang in there!! We surely loved the pixs we had purchased from ya!! And love looking thru ur website of all the awesome pixs!! Keep it up!! We love ya and thanks for being the great photographers!!
Hang in there and have a fast recovery!! Hugs!! Susan and Rob(deaf bikers from Glenwood,IA)
hi aunty deb this is adam your nepue i hope you are doing good im sorry i could see you or talk to you me and my wife,son prayed every night for you and hope you are getting better love you and you should get my number from grandpa and call soon bye for now
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